- If the past participle ends in the letters -ted or -ded, pronounce the letters as a separate syllable:
- If the past participle ends in any other letter + -ed, do not pronounce the letters as a separate syllable:
- Exercise:
Copy the following verbs and decide if they are pronounced in a separate syllable (SS) or not separated (NS):
arrested (SS), questioned (NS), washed (NS), depended (SS), reported ( ), robbed ( ), started ( ), cleaned ( ), decided ( ), walked ( ), ended ( ), existed ( ), advertized ( ), recommended ( ), suggested ( ), armed ( ), lived ( ), liked ( ), repeated ( ), watched ( ), wondered ( ), invented ( ), filmed ( ), translated ( ), explained ( ), delighted ( ), finished ( ), appreciated ( ), corresponded ( ), received ( ), helped ( ), animated ( ), changed ( ), studied ( ), increased ( ), used ( ),acted ( ), wanted ( ), loved ( ), organized ( ),